We are excited to announce that CitaDAO will be the first launch partner for xToken’s Terminal product, which will be used to incentivize liquidity provision for tokenized real estate on the secondary market. The integration with xToken’s upcoming liquidity incentivization platform will ensure a reliable and secure source of liquidity for real estate tokens on Automated Market Makers (“AMM”).

Real Estate tokenization projects have traditionally been plagued by a lack of liquidity. With this integration, CitaDAO will leverage the composability of the DeFi community to improve real estate liquidity on-chain for real estate tokens.
The recent release of Uniswap V3 liquidity pools enables the provision of concentrated liquidity within a set price range, and CitaDAO plans on incentivizing liquidity within a price range to anchor the Real Estate value to the real world value. xToken Terminal is designed to provide a seamless and straightforward liquidity mining experience for DeFi projects and yield farmers alike.
CitaDAO is on a mission to improve Capital Efficiency, Liquidity, and Composability for Real Estate globally and this integration with xToken demonstrates the multiplier effect of DeFi projects coming together to increase the use cases for Real Estate Tokens and creating value for the overall on-chain real estate ecosystem.
“CitaDAO will be the first real estate DeFi project that incentivizes liquidity for real estate on-chain through this integration with xToken. CitaDAO believes that the composability of the DeFi ecosystem will create immense value for the real estate ecosystem, providing a compelling reason for all real estate to eventually exist on-chain.” — Joel Lin, a contributor to CitaDAO.
“CitaDAO will be the first project leveraging our generalized liquidity mining framework, xToken Terminal. In just a few easy clicks, the CitaDAO team will be able to incentivize Uniswap V3 concentrated liquidity with any reward token(s), price range, and an optional vesting period. LPs will have a simplified interface for providing liquidity, and on deposit, LPs will automatically begin accruing rewards.” — Michael J. Cohen, xToken.
This exciting integration to provide liquidity for real estate on-chain will kickstart a new wave of DeFi protocol innovation in the real estate industry and create sustainable yield farms powered by real-world real estate globally to speed up the adoption of DeFi by the masses.
About CitaDAO
CitaDAO is creating a Real Estate ecosystem powered by Decentralized Finance (“DeFi”) on Ethereum. The project features sustainable yield farms powered by real estate that are composable with other DeFi applications. Real estate tokens will enable the DeFi community to diversify their portfolio on-chain into an inflation resistant asset class and create an ecosystem of DeFi primitives backed by productive Real Estate, such as stablecoins, mortgages, options, and more.
About xToken
xToken is building a vertically integrated DeFi asset management platform. The project offers native staking and liquidity strategies built on top of some of the most popular DeFi protocols. Going forward, xToken is approaching a major Arbitrum launch, including a lending protocol, liquidity strategies and composable leverage tokens. Finally, the project is looking forward to the launch of xToken Terminal, the generalized liquidity mining portal for Uniswap V3.
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