Every yield farmer who’s been in the game for long enough has faced that moment. The sinking feeling in your stomach, punched in the gut moment when you realize crypto is tumbling, your yields are absolutely tanking, and your paltry returns can’t even cover the gas fees. For many of us, that sinking feeling has always seemed like a necessary evil, a standard risk that must be endured for the higher yields to come. But do yield farmers always have to tolerate these panics to earn their rewards? What if there was a way to enjoy those rewards without these moments of terror? What if yield farms are stable and sustainable?

CitaDAO is building sustainable DeFi yield farms powered by real estate. The tangible value of real estate means yield farmers like you are no longer beholden to the vagaries of margin lending or governance token emissions. Real estate will provide yield farmers with the peace of mind while enabling you to diversify your portfolio with an inflation resistant alternative to stablecoins. Want to get started? Read on to learn more!
What is CitaDAO?
CitaDAO.io is a sustainable Decentralized Finance (DeFi) yield farm powered by real estate, built on the Ethereum ecosystem. CitaDAO aims to solve the lack of liquidity, access limitations, and lack of composability afflicting the existing real estate ecosystem by creating interoperability with other DeFi applications/primitives that operate on the Ethereum protocol. Our real estate tokens allow the community to diversify their portfolio on-chain to generate stable yields through real world assets that have constant liquidity through Automated Market Makers.
How does real estate get tokenized?
Property owners list their real estate on the CitaDAO platform. After ownership verifications and AML / KYC checks on the property owners, their property will be available on the CitaDAO platform via a process known as Introducing Real Estate On-chain (IRO) for members of the DeFi community to participate and commit their interest.
At this time, stakers can commit USDC tokens to express their interest for ERC20 Real Estate Tokens that represent the right to buyout all other token holders to redeem the title deed for the underlying Real Estate.
If enough USDC tokens are committed and staked, the IRO is a success and the Real Estate Tokens will be distributed to everyone who participated in the IRO. These Real Estate Tokens can then be used to farm juicy rewards on yield farms — all the while retaining the stable benefits of the underlying physical real estate.
Where do the yields come from?
Based on their specific risk profile and strategy, yield farmers have multiple ways to farm rewards on the CitaDAO platform.
Yield Farming when Introducing Real Estate On Chain (IRO)
During the IRO, farmers can farm yields by locking up their liquidity in Reward Pools that allow the ERC20 Real Estate Tokens to be distributed to interested participants. Yield farmers who want to earn rewards during the IRO must lock up their USDC tokens for the entire duration of the IRO process. In addition to the ERC20 Real Estate Tokens, they will also earn additional USDC rewards based on their pro rata pool contribution from the Daily Reward Pool. The total reward will be calculated after the IRO process is completed, and will be distributed along with the ERC20 Real Estate Tokens.
Yield Farming after the Real Estate Tokens (RETs) are Distributed
Once the RETs have been distributed, yield farmers will have even more options to earn rewards. For the truly Passive farmers, simply hold the RETs in your wallets and benefit from the rewards generated by the Real Estate itself.
For the more active farmers, there are several methods to multiply your harvest:
- Providing liquidity for RET-USDC pools to receive CitaDAO governance tokens
- Providing liquidity for CitaDAO governance token-ETH token pools to receive additional CitaDAO tokens
- Collateralize the RETs that are backed by stable real estate assets and invest the proceeds accordingly, thereby achieving greater capital efficiency and the potential for greater rewards.
The CitaDAO governance tokens can be used to vote on decisions affecting the platform (including unlocking new types of real estate on the platform) and to benefit from the growth in the Total Value Locked (TVL) of the Real Estate Tokens in the CidaDAO ecosystem. To learn more about the CitaDAO token, check out this guide to all it’s uses
About CitaDAO
CitaDAO.io is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platform for Real Estate to be tokenized on-chain, built on the Ethereum ecosystem. CitaDAO aims to solve the lack of liquidity, access limitation, and lack of composability in existing real estate ecosystem by creating interoperability with other DeFi applications/primitives that operate on the Ethereum protocol. Real estate token allows the community to diversify their portfolio on-chain to generate stable yield through real world assets that have constant liquidity through AMM — interested to learn more?
Follow us on Twitter: @citadao_io
Join our community on Discord: bit.ly/citadao
Or check out our website: citadao.io
Disclaimer: The information contained in this communication is based on sources considered to be reliable, but not guaranteed, to be accurate or complete. This communication should not be relied upon or the basis for making any investment decision or be construed as a recommendation to engage in any transaction or be construed as a recommendation of any investment strategy
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