Real Estate is one of the most preferred investment options among investors globally. The demand for Real Estate has led to the creation of multiple investment vehicles, including REITs, PERE, and pure Real Estate investments. However, with the emergence of tokenisation, investors now have another option to consider.
Tokenisation allows investors to own fractions of a property and benefit from the income and appreciation that comes with it. CitaDAO is one of the platforms that offer Real Estate Tokens as an option for participants to increase their exposure to Real Estate as an asset class. So, why should we choose Real Estate Tokens over other assets?
RET have a much lower minimum purchase compared to REITs. Where REITs can typically see minimum investment requirements of US$1,000 to US$2,500, RET have a minimum requirement of just US$1 (or 1 USDC). The significantly lower cost allows participants to diversify into Real Estate with much lower barriers of entry.
One of the significant benefits of RET is the liquidity they offer. Unlike traditional Real Estate investments, where investors have to wait for a long time to sell their investments, RET can be easily traded on secondary markets. This provides investors with a quick exit strategy and reduces the risk of being locked in for an extended period.
RET are backed by blockchain technology, which offers transparency in transactions. Investors can track their committed funds to view the transactions that their investments undergo. This transparency builds trust between investors and the platform offering the investment.
RET are tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. This means that they can be integrated with DeFi protocols to unlock more use cases for higher yield. Whereas REITs are typically held on centralized exchanges with limited use cases.

About CitaDAO is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platform for Real Estate to be tokenized on-chain, built on the Ethereum ecosystem. CitaDAO aims to solve the lack of liquidity, access limitation, and lack of composability in existing real estate ecosystem by creating interoperability with other DeFi applications/primitives that operate on the Ethereum protocol. Real estate token allows the community to diversify their portfolio on-chain to generate stable yield through real world assets that have constant liquidity through AMM — interested to learn more?
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Disclaimer: The information contained in this communication is based on sources considered to be reliable, but not guaranteed, to be accurate or complete. This communication should not be relied upon or the basis for making any investment decision or be construed as a recommendation to engage in any transaction or be construed as a recommendation of any investment strategy
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