CitaDAO is a revolutionary tokenized real estate platform that is launching soon. We use blockchain-based Decentralized Finance (DeFi) to enable frictionless, borderless, and more transparent access to real estate. By tokenizing an asset with a proven track record for maintaining its value and providing real-world income stream, we are bringing a new stable source of yields to the DeFi ecosystem.
Participants can acquire Real Estate Tokens (RET) representing the right to redeem the legal title of the underlying real estate listed. The token holder also has the ability to redeem the property outright and have the property be transferred to them. RET can also be traded for other valuable cryptocurrencies via DeFi Automated Market Makers, and can be staked in Liquidity Pools to earn CitaDAO governance tokens, KNIGHT as rewards. KNIGHT token holders will determine how the platform is operated through governance votes.
Property owners can use the CitaDAO platform to list their real estate in a process called, Introducing Real Estate On-chain (IRO), and receive the proceeds in their ERC20 wallet. Property owners have the flexibility of offering up fractional shares of their real estate as they wish, and ERC20 tokens will be minted to represent the right to redeem the title deed.
The CitaDAO platform combines the advantages of:
- Permissionless Accessibility — anyone anywhere can access the ERC20 tokens, and anyone residing in the 54 Commonwealth Nations can list their real estate on the platform
- Liquidity — real estate on the CitaDAO platform can be freely traded with other ERC20 tokens through Automated Market Makers
- Transparency — all governance decisions made by the CitaDAO organization will be following voting based on staking CitaDAO tokens
- Scalable — our portal makes it easy for new properties to be listed and new ERC20 tokens for those properties to be distributed to participants, making it possible for a limitless supply of real estate listed on-chain
- Composable — by using a blockchain native asset bearer property token, CitaDAO will serve as the foundation for a plethora of innovative DeFi primitives, such as collateralized loans, futures, indexes, real estate backed stablecoins, etc.

Real estate has long been one of the most important assets in the world. Now, CitaDAO is taking the value of real estate and reinventing it with the power of DeFi. CitaDAO is what happens when real estate investment evolves for a world of cryptocurrency tokens, Liquidity Pools, and decentralized networks.
Interested to join us on our journey? Follow us on Twitter @citadao_io, join our community on Discord, or check out our website
Disclaimer: The information contained in this communication is based on sources considered to be reliable, but not guaranteed, to be accurate or complete. This communication should not be relied upon or the basis for making any investment decision or be construed as a recommendation to engage in any transaction or be construed as a recommendation of any investment strategy
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